Missouri Residents Battling Moisture Beneath Concrete Surfaces

GatorGuard CoatingsEpoxy Flooring, Moisture Issues

It’s easy to overlook just how much damage moisture can cause to your garage floor. Whether it’s from existing moisture in the concrete, groundwater seeping up through the concrete or simply the result of St. Louis‘ humid climate, moisture can wreak havoc on your garage floor if it’s not properly managed. Battling moisture in the concrete is the key to ensuring you’re getting a durable concrete coating system that will last.

How Moisture Damages Concrete Floors

Concrete is a porous material, meaning it naturally absorbs moisture from its surroundings. Over time, this moisture can lead to a variety of problems. It might start with minor issues like dark spots or patches of white residue called efflorescence, but it can quickly escalate to more serious concerns like cracking, spalling, or even complete failure of the concrete surface. 

When you add a coating over concrete that has moisture issues, you’re setting the stage for peeling, bubbling, or even the total delamination of the coating. That is, if the wrong primer coat is selected. That means you’re setting the stage for some serious headaches a few months down the road when your brand new floor starts falling apart! We don’t want that.

The Solution: Moisture Assessment and Proper Preparation

So, what can you do to protect your garage floor from moisture damage? The first step is to get a proper moisture assessment. Any reputable professional installer will conduct a moisture test before applying any type of floor coating. This test measures the moisture levels in your concrete slab, giving the installer crucial information about how to proceed.

If the moisture levels are medium to high, it’s essential to use a moisture-mitigating epoxy primer as part of your floor coating system (never a polyurea). This type of primer is specially formulated to penetrate the concrete deeply and create a barrier that prevents moisture from rising to the surface. By blocking the moisture, the primer helps ensure that your epoxy coating adheres properly and remains durable over the long term.

Battling Moisture: The 1-Day vs. 2-Day System Debate

Here’s where things can get a bit tricky. Some companies might try to sell you on a “1-day system,” promising quick results and minimal disruption. But here’s the truth: 1-day systems often skip the critical step of using a moisture-mitigating primer. Instead, they use fast-curing polyurea as a direct-to-concrete primer, which might seem fast and convenient but often fails in high-moisture conditions. The result? A floor that looks great on day one but starts to show signs of failure just months later. Oh, and they won’t warrant for moisture-related issues… go figure.

At GatorGuard St. Louis, we believe in doing things the right way. Our 2-day system is built for battling moisture. It uses a slower-curing epoxy primer on day one to deeply penetrate the concrete and properly mitigate moisture. On day two, we apply our dual 100%-solids polyaspartic top coats, ensuring a thick, durable finish that will stand the test of time.

So, if you’re ready to protect your garage floor from moisture and ensure a long-lasting finish, get in touch with the pros who care about quality. Let our St. Louis team take care of your floor, and rest easy knowing you’ve chosen the best.

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